Saturday, October 11, 2008

First Day of Pre- School

On September 23rd, Ryan had his first of pre-school. He could not wait and packed his own lunch box and back pack. In fact, our lttle man was so excited about going to school, that as we were pulling into to the parking lot on his first day, his exact words were, "Uh, you're just dropping me off, right, Mom?" Yup, they grow up fast. (Meanwhile, Caleb, in true Caleb style, had a death grip on my arm just to make sure he was NOT going to be left there!). Anyway, Ryan LOVES preschool. He goes 3 days a week for an hour and a half. In Feb, that will increase to 3hours each day. He is learning lots and always comes home with great projects he has made. His favorite is show and tell, which apparently he is never at a loss of words for!

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