Saturday, January 16, 2010

Last Saturday, in celebration of John's birthday, he and Ryan headed out for a day to themselves at HooDoo. John has skied pretty much his entire life and it was time for Ryan's inaugural run down the bunny slopes. While I wasn't there (Caleb, Noah, and I stayed in Corvallis for an afternoon at the bounce houses), rumor has it that Ryan did fantastic! He was quite grown-up when he got home and soooooo proud of himself. What fun to start doing bigger kid stuff.!


Unknown said...

Ryan sure looks big in all his snow gear. And the look on his face on the ski lift............. what a guy!!!!!!!!!!!

Cori Wickett said...

Wow, what a big boy you have! I can't believe he's on the slopes already. Sending you are love!

Love, Cori, BJ and Taylor