Monday, November 9, 2009

Fall 2009

They're here! Finally, I have gotton around to updating the pictures on the blog. I apologize for taking so long - as I am sure you can imagine, the Evans' household doesn't slow down for much! Life is good in our house. Ryan is in his second year of pre-school and is also in karate. (American Kenpo). He is very proud of his two yellow belt tips! He is way into kitchen science experiments and has also been working hard at addition and reading-what can I say, the kid LOVES to learn! Caleb has just transformed into a true boy and is really talking a lot now. He still loves his trucks and trains, but is really into his puzzles. Noah is 7 months old and thinks that life in our house is one big comedy. He is the happiest little guy and can't wait to get in on the wrestling action with daddy and the older boys. Life is pretty crazy, but we are loving every minute of it!


joey said...

I love the support for Cal Poly! Can't ever start to early. Oh and Noah in the pumpkin, OMG! Go Mustangs.

Euhus Family said...

Looks like you covered everything!! Even though I get to see you every week, its fun to see what you write and to look at the picturse of your boys!!