Sunday, April 26, 2009

Waiting for Noah

I know that this is a little out of order, but I didn't get a chance to post these pictures of us waiting for Noah before he arrived. These pictures we taken just days prior to his arrival as we waited anxiously for the big day. In an effort to help things along, we decided to go for a walk out on one of the many boardwalk nature walks in the area. It started as a beautiful walk, then turned to rain, then hail, then sun again - all in a half mile loop! The kids had a great time exploring everything.

The waiting game also included a trip to McDonald's Playland with daddy. This was Caleb's first time up in the structure. Ryan was a fantastic big brother and stayed with Caleb until he felt comfortable. He guided him through all of the tunnels and helped coax him down the slides. I wasn't there, but I hear it was pretty amazing to watch =)

38 Weeks and counting. (Noah was boran right at 39 weeks) - a few days later than Ryan and 2 1/2 weeks later than Caleb

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