Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Evans' Residence

Welcome to our new home!!! After looking at a little over 50 homes, we finally found "the one". The house was built in 1967 and has only had one set of owners. For 41 years, the sellers took immaculate care of their home and we are so fortunate to have such a solid home to call ours. It is on .2 acres and is just shy of 1900 square feet. It is a tri-level home with the garage, play room, and laundry room on the lower level, the entryway, kitchen, kitchen nook, dining room, and sunken living room on the the main floor, and the four bedrooms on the upper level. The backyard is long and will be very fun for the boys to explore. The neighborhood is awesome, too. We have had so many neighbors come over to greet us - it will be a great place to raise our family. While we know that we have a lot of work ahead of us, we are very excited to start working on the house to make it our own. Can't wait for all of you to visit so we can show you our new place! =)


Chuck said...

Hi Punkin!
Thanks for the pictures and I love your letter to everyone.
I also signed up for google email, so I could send this to you.


ldeterman said...

Congratulations, guys! There is nothing like having a place to call your own. I hope to come visit some time. Stay in touch!


Our Family Fun said...

Congrats on the new place. Hopefully we will be able to drop by for a visit come spring.

Talk to later, Vasti