Friday, October 5, 2007

The Big Move

So after a year and a half of saying "We're moving to Oregon" - we did it! On August 30, after loading up the U-haul the day before, we headed on the open road for our 11 hour trek north. John and Shasta the dog drove the U-haul (the biggest one they make!), Judy (John's Mom) drove the 4-Runner, and Wendy drove the mini-van with the boy, the baby, and, Sammy the cat. Caleb slept almost the whole way (except for crying the last hour and half when he finally said "I've had it!"), Ryan read books the entire time, and Sammy just lived in fear of where she was being schlepped to next. Whirlwind arrived in style a few days later on a huge fancy trailer.
We arrived at our new home at 10:30 at night, weary, but very excited to finally be in Oregon.
The house we are renting is little, but will definitely keep us happy until we find a home of our very own. There is a big backyard and Ryan loves to go out and pick what is left of the raspberries. As for the house search, we have looked at everything there is to see (about 50 +/-), but we have finally narrowed down where we want to live and what type of house/lot we want. Now we're just waiting for the right house to come on the market :)
As for everyday life, John started work at his new firm on September 17. It is a two man (now three man) firm. His bosses are great and he is very pleased with his choice of firm. Wendy of course is home with the kids and having a blast. Every other day, she and the kids go the barn to clean Whirlwind's stall. Caleb hopefully naps and Ryan helps Mommy by opening gates and attempting to scoop manure into the wheel barrow.
Oh, and the rains have begun .....

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