Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Party of Five

Meet the newest Evans! Some may call us brave, most may call us crazy, but either way, we are very excited about the pending arrival of a new baby. There's not too much to report, but here goes: We are at 11, almost 12 weeks along. The due date is April Fool's Day (a sense of humor already!), although, given Caleb's early arrival (3 1/2 weeks), pretty much any time in March is fair game. As for the pregnancy, aside from being utterly exhausted and perpetual ucky feeling, I have been blessed with a pretty easy pregnancy so far. Ryan is very excited about having a new baby and insists that the new baby in his own tummy is faster than mine. Caleb on the other hand is probably in for a big shock. =-)

A little bit o' family

The Evans' Family Show

Take THAT big brother!

For our sixth anniversary, we hired a baby sitter, packed a picnic dinner, and hiked to the top of Bald Hill for a romantic dinner overlooking the Willamette Valley.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A little bit o' Caleb

heehee - feel the power!

Nashville Star here I come!

Blueberry picking with mommy, Ryan, Dorothy, and her mommy, Christie

The source of Mommy's computer issues

And a little bit o' Ryan

Just helping mommy in my goggles and Elmo undies!

Nothing like an ice cream cone with your friend, Dorothy

Each year, OSU hosts Di Vinci Days (basically a giant nerd fest - and yes, we felt very at home). Our babysitter, Tara, just happened to be there with her high school robotics team. In between matches, Ryan got to try his hand at driving the robot - our little nerd in training =)

Hello Midwest, Part 2

We're on our way!! Daddy and Ryan (with his backpack and ticket in hand) head towards the gate at Portland airport.

From Portand, we flew to Chicago where we spent the day with Wendy's mom's cousin, Lillian. We had a wonderful day with her and got a great tour! Here we are in front of the Water Tower, one of the only structures to survive The Great Fire.

The bean at Millinium Park

The Magnificiant Mile

The end of our trip, we take a few laps on the people mover at the Omaha Airport.