Friday, February 8, 2008


So the big news in our house is that John passed both of his Structural Engineer's Exams!!!!!!!This is HUGE news as only 38% of people passed the National Test and only 30% passed the California Test! So you're probably wondering what this actually means, right? Well, basically, this means that John is official, he can stamp ANY project (including schools and hospitals) and he is not required to work under a more experienced engineer. What this also means is that we will not need to go through the horrible ordeal of studying again. For those of you who were not aware, about two weeks before we moved to Oregon and for two weeks after we got here, John spent about 8 hours a day studying. Then, once he started back to work at his new job, he would work for eight hours, then study until anywhere from 9-12am. Weekends he would usually try to put in anywhere from 8-12 hours in at least one of the days and a few hours the other day. It was a huge process and we didn't see much of him those first two months we were in Oregon. Not to mention, Caleb was getting up every two hours the whole time so not much room for much needed sleep! Oh, and did I mention we bought our house the week of his test? How's that for some added stress! BUT, being the amazing guy he is, John pulled through with flying colors! We are VERY, VERY proud!!!