Halloween was certainly a fun one this year! We started off by visiting a The Davis Family Farm where, after sampling some homemade apple cider and doughnuts, we hopped on the hay wagon and took a ride through their fields back to the pumpkin patch. We had a great time walking through the patch in search of the perfect pumpkin for each of us. Even Caleb got one compliments of his big brother. Ryan and Daddy got a special treat when the hay wagon came to pick us up - just as we were loading up, the farmer asked if Ryan wanted to drive the tractor. So Ryan got to sit on daddy's lap and drive everyone back on the tractor - a job he took very seriously =)
As for Halloween itself, Ryan was a pirate (he'd been practicing his "ARRRRGH!!" since September, usually in the car while Caleb was trying to nap) and Caleb carried on the traditional Evans' first costume of being a Dalmatian puppy (let the hand me downs begin!). The weekend before Halloween, we loaded everyone up for a quick 11 hour drive to California, dropping daddy off in Sacramento for his Structural Engineers' Exam while mommy and the boys continued to Merced for some quality Grama, Nana, and Papa time.
The day of Halloween, the boys got all dressed up for trick-or-treating in downtown Corvallis. Ryan has his first real taste of candy (yippee!) and got a kick out of all these people giving him candy. Caleb on the other hand wasn't too sure about all of these strange things walking around!
Afterwards, we headed to the church for a harvest festival where Ryan spent the whole time in the bounce house. All in all, it was a very fun-filled Halloween!