Friday, January 4, 2013

Thailand: In progress - coming soon!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Spring 2012

Judging by the date of my last post, you can probably guess that the Evans' houshold has been in constant motion.  The boys are growing so fast, but just as promised, each new stage seems even better than the last. All three boys have such different, yet dynamic personalities - it is a blast to watch them grow into who they are going to be. 

Ryan is nearing the end of 1st grade (gulp) and will be 7 at the end of May (even bigger gulp).  When he is not annoyed, he is an amazing big brother, full of fun and adventurous ideas and is a great teacher to boot.  Of course, just like the rest of us, he often battles human nature, but for the most part, is shaping up to be a really great kid. He has recently begun reading chapter books which has opened the doors wide open for him to soak up any and all facts he can - especially nature related.

Caleb just turned five and is stoked beyond belief to be going to kindergarten next year (sniff).  With the realization that he is Caleb, not Ryan's little brother, but CALEB, has come a strength and confidence that I can't even begin to describe. He, too loves to learn, and has a great mind for figuring out how things work. He has a big heart and has become such a great big brother to Noah...although he, too has his moments. 

Noah is now 3 getting ready to start pre-school next fall (really?!)  He is such a goofball and thinks his brothers are the funniest thing ever.  Seriously, we are relying heavily on Ryan's judgment here as Noah will gladly follow Ryan anywhere....while Caleb of course, sits back and watches the show, knowing full well that this is going to end in disaster. Noah continues to be his own man. He is confident, goofy, fiesty, cuddly, sensitive, and tough - all rolled in to one!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Lookin' Back at Summer

Despite some pretty wet weather and some long hours at work for John, we managed to still fit some fun into summer time. Here's a look back at some of the hi-lights!

It can't ve summer without some baseball. This was our first Corvallis Knights Baseball Game and boy the kids have a good time!

The big event for the summer was an 8 day trip to Vancouver B.C.
where we rented a house with my parents and John's mom. On our way home, we broke up the long day of driving with a stop in Seattle at the water fountain near the Space Needle

Mt. St. Helens

China Town - lots of things to look at!

We also decided to give our house a facelift with a new coat of paint. We still have the trim and the garage dorrs to do, but it's gettin' there

My good friend Ava and I decided to wrap up the summer with a night of cabin camping at Silver Falls. Yup- just us two moms and seven kids. We had a great time!

John came up for a quick hike befor heading back home

Putting the little guy to work doing dishes


Enjoying daddy's father's day gift

Nothing like a summer fort

After Caleb's skute bike broke at our church camp-out, he had no choice but to learn to ride his brother's two-wheeler - GO Caleb!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hey, remember us?

Where or where have the last 3 months gone? Rest assure they have not been wasted, nor have they not been forgotten....they have simply been very full. I have about a thousand pictures on my camera waiting very patiently to find their way to their proper place on my computer, and some will even make it to the blog. I hope to get to them very soon, but in the meantime, I wanted to share with you some wonderful pictures that our good friend KamBria took of our family in February. Enjoy and I promise to move "picture organization" up a little higher on my To Do list =)